Clear Quartz Crystal Metaphysical Meaning

Clear Quartz Crystal is one of the most widely available stones. It is known as a master healer, because its energy can be used for any dis-ease or Clear Quartz Crystal Metaphysical Meaning by Claudia McNeelyissue. It attracts life force energy and brings it into the physical world. As this energy flows through you, it nourishes and balances your body, mind and spirit.

It also absorbs, stores and amplifies your energy, intentions, thoughts and the energy of other crystals. Because of this, it is used in many electronics. This makes it a perfect stone for manifestation.

It increases clear thinking, helping create a strong connection for communication with spirit guides, angels, animals and with other stones.

Clear Quartz enhances and strengthens all levels of the aura. It will cleanse, open, activate and align all of the chakras. It is used specifically with the Crown Chakra.

Because Clear Quartz absorbs energy, it is important to cleanse it before use. You can cleanse it by holding it under running water, putting it in a bowl of salt water, burying it in the dirt or holding it in your hand and imagine it being cleansed of detrimental energy.

If you want to use the crystal for a specific intention, you will hold it in your hand and tell it what you want it to do. Imagine what it is that you want, as you fill the stone with that energy.

It can also be used in grid work. A simple grid is putting a stone in each corner of a room.

Clear Quartz Crystal Metaphysical Meaning by Claudia McNeelyWearing or carrying Clear Quartz will help to increase your energy when you are feeling tired or run down. It will bring more balance and harmony to your life. It will bring balance to your body, mind and emotions; while it balances your thoughts.

There are many ways to work with Clear Quartz. You can hold a point in your left hand, which is your receiving hand, pointing toward your body, allowing the energy to flow through the crystal into your body. If you want to move energy out of your body, you would hold it in your right hand, your transmitting hand, pointing away from your body. Placing the crystal on your body where there is disharmony will attract energy to that specific area. Meditation Crystal Transformational Amulet Pendant

You can also carry a Clear Quartz crystal in your pocket or purse. It is very beneficial when worn in jewelry. Our crystal jewelry includes a Clear Quartz, because it is so beneficial and expands the energy of the other crystals and gemstones.