Using Crystals to Heal


Crystals and gemstones are powerful gifts from Mother Earth. They lay hidden deep within the Earth, until it is time for their healing energiesUsing Crystals to Heal by Claudia McNeely to be uncovered and shared with humanity. 

When I first learned about Crystals, I wanted a way to prove that they actually did what it was said that they did. Since my daughter, Samantha, was profoundly retarded, I knew she would not have any preconceived notions about what they did, so I would place them in bed with her. Each time, she would respond in a way that let me know it was actually working.

I read that Amethyst could be used for communication, so I stuck a piece of it under Samantha’s pillow. The next day, she was vocalizing more than normal. That convinced me that there was really something to them. Through the years, I have become even more convinced of their uses for healing and balancing.


Getting Started With Crystals

If you are new to crystals, these are great to start with:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Rose Quartz
  • Hematite
  • Amethyst

Clear Quartz can be used for anything. Their energy is very pure, and they can hold any intention you want to put into it. Just hold it in front of your heart and imagine what you want from them. That will put the intention into the crystal.

Rose Quartz is known as the Love stone. It is a very gentle energy, increasing the amount of Love we can give to ourselves and to others. It is the best choice to foster self-love. Because of its gentle energy, it is a perfect first stone for children and pets.

Hematite is one of my favorite stones. It is very grounding, helping to keep you fully in your body and connected to Mother Earth. It absorbs negative energy, as well as grief. I kept one on me at all times when Samantha was so close to death so many times throughout her life. It needs to be cleansed daily, more often when going through a stressful time.

Amethyst helps to purify the mind and clear negative thoughts. It balances the Third Eye and Crown Chakras. It is a great stone for addictions of any kind. It also helps with insomnia and nightmares.


How To Choose a Crystal

I have learned that crystals often choose us.Using Crystals to Heal by Claudia McNeely

When you are in a crystal store, pay attention to the crystals that catch your eye, or call out to you.

You can also read about the properties of stones, and choose one for a specific issue.

If you are trying to choose one crystal from a group of them, run your hand over the top of them and pay attention to any sensations you feel in your hand. The crystal that causes your hand to feel warm, or tingle, is the right one for you.


Cleansing Your Crystal

There are many ways you can cleanse your crystals of the energies it has absorbed.

You can smudge your crystal with sage or incense. Just hold the crystal in the smoke, or waft the smoke over the stone.

Hold the crystal under running water until you feel it is cleansed. Some crystals, such as Kyanite and Selenite, are too soft to use water on, so make sure your stone can withstand water before doing this.

Put the crystal in a bowl of salt. I purchased a crystal on Ebay years ago. When it arrived, the energy in it was horrible. I intuited that it had been used in black magick. I put the stone in a bowl of salt and left it outside for several days. The salt absorbs the negative energy.

Put the stone outside. This can be done either during the day, to absorb the energy from the Sun, or overnight to bathe in the energy of the Moon. I will often leave them for 24 hours so they can absorb both. Many people choose to do this on the Full Moon.

Hold the crystal in your hand and imagine crystalline energy from your Higher Self, and/or the Creator, flowing through it.

Plant the stone in Mother Earth or a potted plant to allow the Earth energy to cleanse it.


Using Crystals

Using Crystals to Heal by Claudia McNeelyThere are many ways to use Crystals for healing and balancing.

You can hold the crystal in your hand. If the stone has a point, you can point it toward you to move energy into your body, or away from you to remove energy from your body. You can hold the crystal over the Chakras, or any place on your body that needs attention. You can also lay the crystal on your body as you meditate or listen to music.

A Crystal Grid can also be used for healing. The stones are placed in a specific design, the most simple being center, north, south, east and west. They can be as elaborate as you want to make them.

Wearing Jewelry is a popular method of using the Crystal energies. Jewelry can be a simple, one stone pendant; or an elaborate piece of jewelry.